


Asia-Pacific eXchange and Leadership Development Seminar 2010


  亞太區領導人才培訓會議  是AIESEC亞太地區一年一度的盛會。主要參加成員為來自亞太地區十五個會員國各國總會之首長以及各分會會員。會議舉辦之目的在於讓亞太地區會員國的頂尖成員們能有互相接觸和認識的機會,親身體驗AIESEC的國際化以及以文化交流為目的的宗旨。







APXLDS stands for Asia Pacific Exchange and Leadership Development Seminar which is an international conference holding in Asia Pacific region annually.  


The conference focuses on cultivating young people’s leadership potential and creates an international learning environment of culture sensitive, active learning, social responsibility, and entrepreneurship.  Also, APXLDS is one of the best chances to broaden young people’s world view and increase the network.  In APXLDS 2010 the theme is “Leadership in action” which is to urge young people take actions actively to realize dreams, practice leadership experiences, and have a positive impact to the society.  We hope and are confident that this conference will be the perfect first step for delegates becoming future youth leaders in the world.   

 In 2010, APXLDS will be held in Taiwan, a tropical island located in eastern Asia and her neighboring countries are China, Japan and Philippines.  Taiwan has beautiful scenery like Yushan, Alishan, and Sun Moon Lake, comfortable climates and a long and clean coast line.  What’s more, APXLDS will take place in Kaohsiung which is also known as an ocean city.  Kaohsiung Port is the biggest port in Taiwan, and the third big in Asia.  People here are friendly and full of passion.  APXLDS 2010 is definitely a wonderful international conference that you would never want to miss.

There are two tracks in APXLDS.  One is leadership development seminar, another is the Xpro track.  LDS track is for member to build up their soft skill in order to become future leader in the society.  While Xpro track is for experienced members and team leaders to share and discus different ideas about international internship program.  Because we believe through exchanges can explore and develop one’s ability and changes one’s life. 


For AIESECer,Please check the wiki to get more information.



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